I keep mentioning that we are having amazing days here in Oregon. As a California transplant, I just can't believe the diversity we are experiencing in Oregon. And as someone who has never lived more than 15 mins from the ocean, I thought moving 2 hours away from a beach might just be the thing that sends me home. So when Charles and I drove 2 hours to the Oregon coast we were thinking, "how different can it be?" Oh man, this was so awesome I can't put it into words. So here are a ton of pics.
We drove 2 hours through the mountains in mostly pine forest that suddenly gave way to redwoods at the coast.

The large rocks in the water we slightly ominous. And there is that marine fog that I miss so much.

We're gonna have to buy a selfie stick for these adventures.

We drove to see where the Rogue River meets the ocean and then had a short dinner. Afterwards we headed to Tutuni Lodge for the night. It was dark out so we missed how beautiful it was. But they had laid out snacks and a bottle of wine for us.

But in the morning we were shocked to see this beautiful place! It looks just like Hawaii! Simply incredible. And it sits along the Rogue River just before it opens up to the Ocean. Below is the main lodge. Funny thing is that it is in the same style as our house.

Poached eggs on toast have never tasted so good! I think it was the view from our balcony that made it taste so sweet.

A walk through the grounds
This tree mushroom was huge.

This is the gate into the vegetable garden which the chef uses to cook. The man inside tending the garden had recently quit his desk job of 30 years to become grounds keeper.

Just outside the main lodge is a giant patio that overlooks the Rogue.

On the way home we had the best clam chowder and fish n chips I have ever had.

I love this place! I think I am becoming an Oregonian.